Our Philosophy

Here at Accedo, we like to approach care differently. We don’t have any fancy slogans, no posed pictures. Everything you see on this website will be real. All the pictures of our services really are the service you are reading about and the pictures of our staff and service users are just that.
Everything you read on this site will be backed up by evidence of how we believe your services should be provided, testimonials from our service users, comments from our staff and of course our inspection reports which are linked to this page
Our philosophy is to assist and encourage those individuals we support to take as much control of their lives as possible at all times. This is applied to all of our service types. Individuals who live in a group setting with a residential care package are encouraged and supported to shape their own lives the same way we support those who live in their own homes to do so.
All of our support packages are based on individual needs and are never set in stone in terms of the type of support provided. A good package, assessed and developed in a person centred way, is a living thing that changes with the individual as they follow their chosen path through life.
All of our support services, residential placements, respite and domiciliary services are monitored by our Senior Operational Manager, Sarah Gontsi, for quality and effectiveness. If you ever feel that you are not getting the support you require or that something has changed, Sarah will help you to get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it as quickly as possible. Sarah also handles any complaints and carries out quality audits of our services monthly. Every 6 months she will also send out quality questionnaires to everyone who is involved with the services, asking for their opinion and how we can make any improvements if required.